Wedding Countdown!

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Moment in the Workforce

Well yesterday I found myself feeling more like a human.  I've realized that working and having things to do make me feel like a person.  My friend Samantha owns her own company as  a wedding planner and I went and helped her with a wedding yesterday.  It was nice to see that I think I could be good at that and enjoy it.  The day was long, 12 hours, but that's never something that's bothered me.  It would be nice to be in charge of my own future and run my own life instead of having to listen to another corporate company.  I just really realized from this last job that I don't want to have to do what someone else says all the time and play the corporate game.  I guess I have to decide if I want to take the risk from here.  I also still need to look at what is out there and see what the world has to offer.  We'll see though, here's to weddings!!!  Anyone know someone who wants to get married!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Dillon and I have decided that we want to do an intense workout system and after scouring the infomercials we found P90X.  We ordered it off ebay and it finally arrived all the way from China today.  (Gotta save a buck without a job so I'm sure it's an illegal copy)  This system is made up of 90 days worth of hour long workouts. The first day today was chest and back workout.  After Dillon and I doing it today I think that we will either be ripped in 90 days or dead.  Can't believe that I could be in this much pain when it's only been a few hours since I worked out!  I don't even want to think about tomorrow morning!!  At the moment Dillon is passed out on the couch from it!  So anyway, we didn't take any official pics or anything for before and after but hopefully our afters are going to be great and not just us in pain and laying their!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Long Time No Post

So it's been a long time since I've blogged on here.  Part of that was due to my computer being in the shop getting fixed twice and part because I just got lazy about it.  Well now I guess I have plenty of time to do this.  Monday afternoon I was called into my HR department at the hotel and laid off.  Even though we knew there was a lot of this going on in the hotel I still was surprised since I was closing sales and doubled the number of weddings we were doing this year over the last year.  So now I'm at home and pretty bitter about it but in the end I'm hoping everything is going to turn out all right.  Until then, anyone who lives nearby give me a call and we can get together, I've got nothing but time!  We're drinking at home though cause it's way cheaper!
Besides all of this craziness it was a fun last month with my friend Doni's wedding and my friend Chris' wedding.  Below is a picture from the wedding.  She was a beautiful bride and it was fun being her bridesmaid because we got to pick our own black cocktail dresses. Unfortunately no pics from Chris' wedding because my camera was not working.  
Well I'm off for now.  If anyone hears about any jobs give me a call!