So I'm finally reading Marley & Me even though my Mom gave it to me long before the movie came out. It's great book and it's already made me cry once! Now I'm constantly comparing Hula to Marley and it's making reading the book even more entertaining. Hula's much smarted that Marley though. Recently we got a doggy door in the laundry room of our house for her since she seems to get some kind of joy from continuously making us get up and down from the couch to let her in and out so she can wander. Well our laundry room is conveniently located right next to our kitchen. By putting this dog door in the laundry room Hula now has figured out she can come in her door, take something from trash can she wants and then sneak right back out of her door. She's pretty smart. We've been finding all sorts of things she sees as delicious mo
rsels of trash out in the backyard devoured by her and we can't catch her doing it. Guess it's time to invest in a trash can with a lid! Here's another picture of our crazy girl! This was when she was younger and I think it adorable with my baby Dillon!
I loved the book and movie...even though it's sad! We're just dog lovers :)