Wednesday, March 9, 2011
I'm Headed Back to Cali, Cali, Cali!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Abilene Snowmaggedon

New Job!
So I’ve started a new venture in my life. Since moving to Abilene I haven’t really found much to do here in the way of work. I had given up on finding something in my industry and thought that I was going to have to resort to bartending, waiting tables or being a secretary or assistant or something along those lines. Now, I should emphasize that these are great jobs and allow a lot of freedom and flexibility sometimes and I would have been happy doing one of those. Really though, I wanted to be doing something at least somewhat related to what I was doing before in Houston and to still feel like I was working towards a career instead of just biding my time while here in Abilene.
Well good news, I've found a job! I've been hired by a company called Travel Leaders and they are a travel agency here in Abilene. My first thought was, travel agency, who uses those? Actually, what I'm finding out is that alot of people use them and after learning more about what they do, most people should! So now I'll be training with them and will eventually be booking vacations for people. How fun! Actually, we're hoping to use my wedding experience to work more with destination weddings which will be fun. Plus, I'm finding lots and lots of ideas for mine and Dillon's wedding. This may actually be a much harder process now because I'm learning so much and seeing all of these amazing places. I want to get married at all of them!
My first day a this job was actually last Saturday. My new employer (Joe) picked me up and we drove to Dallas. Talk about plenty of time to get to know your new boss, 3 hours in a car together. It was great though and thankfully we didn't have those awkward silences while driving, just nice conversation. The reason we drove to Dallas was because on Sunday morning I met him at the DFW airport and we flew to Cancun, Mexico!! My first week on the job was spent touring different resorts in Cancun and the Riviera Maya. By the way, it was totally safe and everyone should go. I can't even begin to describe the water and the beaches. I can only say WOW! Now we are back to the reality though and I'm training and learning lots. Plus, part of this training is research so I'm looking at lots of pretty places all day! Yeah!
So the moral of this story is...if you are going to book a vacation you better call me! I need to make my new bosses happy and I need to make some money! Love to you all!