Day 4 of the Abilene snowstorm. Things here looks bleak and it's getting a bit ridiculous. On Monday night, the storm that dumped rain, ice and snowon most of the county hit us here in Abilene. Since then we haven't been above freezing, evenduring the day with sunshine. My hometown, Chicago, got 21 inches of snow. It was the 3rd worst storm ever in Chicago. Now, they got the worst of it on Wednesday, my best friend's 30th birthday. They were up and running the next day there! Here in Abilene, it's a differentstory. Apparently, even though we get snow every year, this city is not prepared for a snowstorm. We have 3 inches of ice on the ground and then snow on top of that. Most of the schools and businesses have been closed since Tuesday and the airport has even been closed. How, how, can they not have been prepared at all. My boss tried to come and pick me up to take me to work,we didn't feel like my Scion was going to be safe and because the wind created a drift of snow behind it a few feet high. When they got here, the ice was so bad that they couldn't get into the complex and actually got stuck in the snow. They had to have someone pull them out, thank you good samaritan! So now, basically, we are stuck in our apartment complex. Dillon and Evan ventured out and walked to the gas station nearby to get some beer, necessities really, and poor Dillon slipped and feel on the ice. He busted up his chin, but being a boy, is hoping for a scar! So my message to Abilene, please, please do something about the crazy ice on these roads so that the city can get back to work. I've run out of things to clean here at the house and soon, we're going to have cabin fever! People in the north are probably laughing at us!
PS - These pictures were taken Tuesday morning, and currently, it looks EXACTLY the same outside! Well, maybe more ice now!

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