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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How is it stood for??

If insurance companies ruled the world and operated it like they do their companies would anything ever get done?  Would everyone hate each other?  Would you just spend all day, every day on endless phone calls and automated systems??  After the last two days I think so.  I was rear ended a week ago and am now lost in the system of insurance adjustors, heathcare companies, doctors visits and automated phone systems.  I think that if I was asked for my claim number or date of birth one more time I might have screamed!  Why also do they want you to say it to a machine rather than enter it into the phone?  That never works!!  I don't think I have much of an accent and it doesn't understand me.  How does it understand people from another country or with a deep south accent? It just doesn't make any sense.  
After all of this craziness it seems that since my car had no damage from being rear ended the insurance company doesn't seem to want to think that I could have been injured.  It seems as though they would believe me that I was injured if their had been car damage and then had to pay more money out to fix me and my car!  Apparently they think that my neck hurting could have been the cause of something else I did between getting hit and going to the doctor.  They operate under the assumption  that I'm lying!!  I can commit a crime and be presumed innocent until proven guilty but I can't be assured payment for medical treatment from someone's insurance company until I can prove it was from them.  I'm assumed guilty!!  Well, off my soapbox for now!  Time for some valium, ibprophen and drift away into a drug induced sleep.  Sounds like my kind of night!  I leave with the question I started with - how is it stood for??

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey I'm so sorry!! I had no idea you were in another car accident!! I'm just glad I wasn't on the phone w/you this time. I hope you feel better soon....bottome line, insurance SUCKS a big one!!
